Hama alarm clock instructions
This unusual alarm clock has wheels that turn so the clock rolls off the nightstand or counter and across the floor while the alarm is sounding. Nanda manufactures the Clocky alarm clock to wake people who press the snooze button more than once and do not get up on time. V1502 Alarm Clock Instructions. Missing accessories or any other problems, please contact us: For setting instruction by video, please visit Youtube and search "JALL 1502 clock". Important : If you found the clock time only appears when you touch it. Please let us know if you have any questions we stand behind our products 100% so please let us help you with anything! Select the appropriate Hama RC 600 manual from the list on this page, download it or check online. 2 PDF User Guide(s) for Hama RC 600 found in Prodocs DataBase: Operating instructions manual.
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